Create The Best Memories With a Custom Instax Film Border

Imagine being able to throw a really good party without worrying if the government will still allow it over a month. Or that you could attend a party without showing some proof of vaccination. Those really were some good old times that I really wish to see again. But for the time being, we have to make do with what we have. Which is what I will do, because I am organizing a small party for me and my friends to celebrate New Year’s Eve. But because this is going to be a very special party for me and my friends, I am looking for a lot of cool things to buy. An example is buying a roulette table. Me and my friend love casino-games. But we only have a poker-set, so roulette is starting to feel like a necessity. I am also going to buy a polaroid camera. I’ve been putting off buying a polaroid camera for a long time, because I couldn’t really see when I was going to use it.

Getting some custom frames

The major benefit, that convinced me, is that a polaroid camera instantly creates a lasting memory. Normal camera’s on your phone only create digital pictures. They are of course fun to look at and to keep. But they lack any value. These printed photos will give lasting warm memories, especially because I am buying some custom instax film border. By customizing instax film borders, you can really personalize the pictures that you press. Custom instax film border are an amazing way to really create lasting memories because they will be customized to that specific party. But now for the important question: where can you get these customer instax film borders?

Photoflyer has everything you need

At Photoflyer, you can get everything for you polaroid camera. It is on this website that I got the idea of creating custom borders on which to print my pictures. They have a lot of choice in this category, but they also allow you to design your own. This is for me the tricky part, because I don’t know much about designing. Let’s hope that won’t be a problem. Let’s also hope that while I am designing my customer border at Photoflyer, the government is not suddenly restricting party’s. That would really be sad. But let’s stay positive and hope for the best party ever.