6 Tricks to Create a Website Design to Improve SEO

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is very important for digital marketing. This is because the existence of SEO has a significant impact on companies and businesses. Some of them are generating potential traffic for business websites. It also can increase the brand awareness of your business so that it can be known to more people. One of the best SEO services you can consider is SEO for pressure washers.

Unfortunately, there are still many people who think that SEO is only determined by keywords. In fact, website design factors are no less important in improving SEO. Here are some tricks that you can apply to create SEO-friendly website designs.

Layout Must Be Interesting

Layout or layout is the thing that most influences readers or web visitors to feel at home for long. In choosing this layout you should use what is becoming a trend. Considering its use is a picture of your company and business, if you are not diligent in updating, your business might be considered too old-fashioned.

There are three layout categories that can be said to be trending among readers and website visitors. The first is an interactive user interface, the second is to have a multi-grid layout, while the third is to have an interesting video background to view.

Responsive Web Design

In creating SEO friendly websites, also consider creating responsive designs. This design allows website visitors to access it on various platforms. Both through desktop computers, tablets, and smartphones with a display that follows the screen size so it is easy to read.

According to Google’s own analysis, this responsive website will be something that is needed for the company in the future considering that smartphone sales are increasing. This makes the company inevitably have to innovate in using this responsive website to increase sales or awareness to consumers.

Optimize Image Usage

So that images are more effective in improving SEO, display the actual size. For example, for web images is 200 × 200, then the image size must be 200 × 200. You also need to describe the image clearly in the text. This is because Google can search for images and file names in displaying results. This image search can increase website traffic. Don’t forget to compress photos before using them on the website to make them lighter.

Varied Meta Tags

Meta tags can optimize searches on Google. This is related to the title, description, keywords (keywords), and the level of the index in search engines. You can also add long-tail keywords specifically. If it becomes more specific and unique, the chances of getting top rankings in the search engine will be higher.

When entering a variety of meta tags, you should check before posting them on the website. This is done so that all keywords can enter the website so that it will optimize SEO.

Optimize the Use of CSS and Javascript

Optimization of CSS and Javascript is intended to increase the effectiveness of use on the website. How to optimize both of them you can see in the table below.


  • Remove unnecessary codes and avoid CSS repeats
  • Unify CSS in one file
  • Compress CSS code
  • Calling CSS code in the “head” and “/ head” tags
  • Avoid using CSS in-line with attributes in HTML tags


  • Remove unnecessary scripts and avoid repetition
  • Avoid using JavaScript directly on HTML files in the “script” tag
  • Place all JavaScript calls in the lowest code structure, at the end of the “body” tag
  • Compress JavaScript

Easy Navigation

The last and foremost thing is that you need to make easy navigation on your website. This method is able to double in increasing user experience and SEO. To be more effective, you should design the following navigation section:

  • Main menu: Should contain links to important pages of the website.
  • Search column: makes it easy for users to find information and content on the website easily.
  • Breadcrumbs: make it easy for users to know where they are.
  • Related articles: recommendations for users to read other articles.
  • The post list widget and the most important is to use CTA for the internal linking of your company or business.

That’s the steps and tricks to make the appearance of website design to improve SEO that you can apply. Hopefully useful and add insight.