3 Digital Marketing Trends For The For The Future

When it comes to digital marketing, there are plenty of new strategies which are being deployed and used nowadays from a variety of different perspectives. For example, PPC and SEO have both been heavily relying on the usage of data, whilst the second one, specifically, has moved towards a far more technical approach. Let’s analyse a couple of digital marketing-oriented trends.

SEO And Technical Optimisation

When it comes to SEO, there have been at least a dozen algorithm updates in the past couple of years. SEO is a digital marketing discipline which heavily relies on quick fixes in regards to these above-mentioned algorithm changes and, in 2020, the one who’s able to quickly turn around these changes will be the one who will succeed within the sector. In the UK, the agency who delivers the best SEO Manchester currently has said how the usage of technical SEO has changed their success rate massively. SEO is still an extremely big digital marketing strategy and will definitely maintain its size in 2020.

The Usage Of Data Lakes

In 2018, the world of marketing was shaken by the Cambridge Analytica scandal, which changed a lot of businesses worldwide. The infamous buying from the British company of Facebook’s data points to influence both the Trump campaign and the Brexit one has stated the foundation for strict rules in regards to the usage of data for marketing purposes. In 2020, the usage of data for marketing purposes, specifically audiences targeting on paid social ads, will become quite an industry standard and it’s very likely to set up the foundation for data-driven marketing technology.

Futuristic Web Development And Automated Features

When it comes to digital marketing, many forget about the fact that their businesses’ container is the first and most important part of their whole digital footprint. Web development, specifically front-end wise, has evolved massively in the past couple of years, with the usage of different rendering languages like new Javascript frameworks like React, which is today’s most used framework in web dev as a whole. With this in mind, we can safely say that the usage of Machine Learning and Python-based features will remain tangible in today’s development world.

To Conclude

These three are the most impactful and very likely to grow digital marketing strategies for this upcoming 2020. The usage of such technologies and strategies will set up, most certainly, the future of digital marketing as a whole.