What are the main SEO ranking factors for Google?

In this post we are going to give you a quick rundown of the primary search engine optimisation ranking factors to make your website appear higher in Google searches.

Before we get started, I’ll briefly explain what SEO is. SEO is the practice of optimising your website so that it appears higher up in Google searches.

The words people search in Google when looking for a service, or an answer to a question, are known as keywords.

Search engine optimisation is based primarily on making your website appear higher when these keywords are searched in Google.

1. Keywords

We just explained what a keyword is, but how do you optimise a website for them?

The first thing you need to do is find keywords that are both related to your business, and receive thousands of searches a month. Using a keyword checker like Ubersuggest is recommended for this.

Once you have your keywords, make sure to integrate them seamlessly into the content of your website.

For example, if you’re a plumber in London you want to write “plumbers in London” in the content, but keep it subtle so it doesn’t seem like you’re “keyword stuffing” which could garner a penalty from Google.

2. Internal links

Keywords are an example off on-site SEO. Another example is internal linking, not to be confused with off-site backlinks.

Internal linking is the process of hyperlinking your pages to one another, making it easier for your visitors to navigate their way through your site.

Google loves links, and the more your website has, the better it will rank.

The best way to use internal linking is to write blog posts and link them to your services page on your website. This boosts the amount of juice that page will receive and will attract any customers reading the blog to your most important pages.

This creates a great site architecture and spreads link equity.

3. Domain Authority

Domain authority is our first venture into off-site SEO and is based primarily on backlinks.

Websites that have good domain authority tend to be government websites or ones that have proven they are an authoritative voice on their topic.

The great thing about domain authority is that any links from a high DA site to your website gives you some of their authority, known in the SEO world as link juice.

You can get these links organically, namely, if someone sees your piece and thinks it’s authoritative enough to link to.

Another way to get them is to pay for them. Often high DA websites sell links as a commodity and if you really want to get your site boosted you have to pay like you would for any other service.


That’s all for this brief rundown of the main SEO ranking factors to help you appear higher in Google.

For the best results, you should hire an SEO specialist to do the work for you as there are a lot more ranking factors they take into account when performing their strategy on your site.

Thanks for reading this post, I hope to see you in the next one!